Java TM API for XML Web Services


Specification Version: 2.1
Implementation Version: 2.1.7

JAX-WS RI 2.1.7  is a Web Services framework that provides tools and infrastructure to develop Web Services solutions for the end users and middleware developers.

With JAX-WS RI 2.1.7, clients and web services have a big advantage: the platform independence of the Java programming language.


This release includes the following documentation:

The documentation/samples included with JAX-WS that is distributed on describes how to use JAX-WS to develop and deploy your webservices endpoints in a servlet container. The samples discussed in this document and available as part of JAX-WS distribution are tested to work on Glassfish and on Apache Tomcat. The deployment is demonstrated using JAX-WS RI specific proprietary deployment descriptor sun-jaxws.xml. 

If you wish to use JAX-WS in a Java EE container in a portable manner (using JSR 109 deployment descriptors), please refer to the Java EE 5 or Glassfish documentation/samples. The majority of the documentation included with JAX-WS is valid with Java EE 5 as well.

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Useful Links

Please use the Metro and JAXB forum for feedback.

JAX-WS has a project page on