0 !ref_cal_1b flag (0 = do not use reflectance cal in level 1b) 0 !therm_cal_1b flag (0 = do not use thermal cal in level 1b) 0 !1bx flag (1 = fill in clavr-x bytes in level 1b) 0 !nav flag (0=level-1b,1 = clevernav) 0 !write nav out (1 = write to a nav file) 0 !cmr file flag (0=no,1=make output file) 0 !obs file flag (0=no,1=make output file) 0 !geo file flag (0=no,1=make output file) 0 !cld file flag (0=no,1=make output file) 0 !sst file flag (0=no,1=make output file) 0 !rtm file flag (0=no,1=make output file) 0 !ash file flag (0=no,1=make output file) 1 !level2 file flag (0=no,1=make output file) 0 !level3 file flag (1 = make gridded output) 0 !cloud mask 1b (1 = read from 1b and don't recompute) 1 !bayesian cloud mask (0=no, 1 = yes) 1 !sst flag (0= no, 1 = yes) 1 !cld flag (0= no, 1 = yes) 1 !aot flag (0= no, 1 = yes) 1 !erb flag (0= no, 1 = yes) 0 !ash flag (0= no, 1 = yes) 0 !use oisst 0 !oisst option (0 = determine file, 1 = use oisst.current) 0.5 !grid resolution 0 !grid format: eq. area (0) / eq. angle (1) 1 !output compression flag (0=no,1=gzip,2=szip) 0 !subset pixel hdf flag (0=no / 1= yes) 1 !nwp flag (1=gfs,2=ncep reanalysis,3=cfsr) 1 !rtm flag (0=crtm,1=pfast) 1 !use modis clear ref (0=no,1=yes) 1 !prob_clear_res_flag (0=no,1=yes) 1 !lrc_flag (0=no,1=yes) 0 !process undetected cloud (0=no,1=yes) 0 !diagnostic output flag 1 !node for diagnostic output (0=asc,1=des) -90.0 !minimum latitude for diagnostic output 90.0 !maximum latitude for diagnostic output /data/Ancil_Data/clavrx_ancil_data/ /data/Ancil_Data/gfs/hdf/ /data/Ancil_Data/ncep-reanalysis/ /data/Ancil_Data/cfsr/hdf/ /data/Ancil_Data/oisst_daily/ /data/Ancil_Data/snow/ /data/Ancil_Data/GlobSnow/ /data/Ancil_Data/goes_dark_sky_composites/ ./temporary_files/ 1 !smooth nwp flag (0=no, 1 = yes) 1 !seebor emiss flag (0=no, 1 = yes) 1 !read hires sfc type flag (0=no-8km, 1 = yes-1km) 1 !read land mask flag (0=no, 1 = yes) 1 !read coast mask flag (0=no, 1 = yes) 1 !read surface elevation flag (0=no, 1 = yes) 0 !read volcano mask flag (0=no, 1 = yes) 0.0 180.0 !solar zenith angle limits 1 !read snow mask flag (0=no, 1 = IMS, 2 = GlobSnow) 0 !read dark composite flag (0=no, 1 = yes) 1 1 1 1 1 1 !chan on flags of channels 1,2,3,4,5,6 1 1 1 1 1 1 !chan on flags of channels 7,8,9,10,11,12 1 1 1 1 1 1 !chan on flags of channels 13,14,15,16,17,18 1 1 1 1 1 1 !chan on flags of channels 19,20,21,22,23,24 1 1 1 1 1 0 !chan on flags of channels 25,26,27,28,29,30 1 1 1 1 1 1 !chan on flags of channels 31,32,33,34,35,36 1 1 1 1 1 1 !chan on flags of channels i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,DNB (VIIRS ONLY) 3 ! 3 DCOMP MODIS MODE (1 = 0.6/1.6 . 2 = 0.6/2.2 3 = 0.6/3.7 ) 6 ! ACHA MODE (0=11;1=11/12;2=11/13.3;3=11,12,13;4=8.5/11/12;5=6.7,11,12;6=6.7,11,13.3) modis_10term_cfsr_globsnow_bayes_mask.txt