#!/usr/bin/perl -w # $Id:$ use strict; use warnings; use Cwd qw(abs_path); use Getopt::Long; my @user = $ENV{'USER'}; my @hostName = $ENV{'HOST'}; my @fc = $ENV{'FC'}; my @outfile = abs_path"build/Makefile.".$ENV{'HOST'}; print "Make include file is @outfile\n"; if (defined $ENV{'FC'}){ print "Fortran compiler (FC) is set to @fc\n"; } else { print "No Environmental Variable FC is set. Configuration for DCOMP is for ifort only\n"; } #print cwd"build/Makefile.@hostName\n"; #if ( -e cwd"build/Makefile.".@hostName ) { #print "File for this machine is already there. Do you really want to re-config (n/y):\n"; #my $input = ; #chomp $input; #if ( $input eq "n" ) { #die "Stop configuration \n" #} #} # Default values for command-line options. my %opt = ( hdf4_ifort => '${SSEC_HDF4_LIB}/../', hdf5_ifort => '${SSEC_HDF5_LIB}/../', netcdf_ifort => '${SSEC_NETCDF4_LIB}/../', dncomp_ifort => '../cx_dncomp/Release_ifort/', muri_ifort => '../muri/Release_ifort/', cx_sds_io_ifort => '../cx_sds_io/Release_ifort/', hdf4_gcc => '${SSEC_HDF4_LIB}/../', hdf5_gcc => '${SSEC_HDF5_LIB}/../', netcdf_gcc => '${SSEC_NETCDF4_LIB}/../', dncomp_gcc => '../cx_dncomp/Release_gfortran/', muri_gcc => '../muri/Release_gfortran/', cx_sds_io_gcc => '../cx_sds_io/Release_gfortran/', ); my @sargv = @ARGV; GetOptions( \%opt, 'hdf4_ifort=s', 'hdf5_ifort=s', 'netcdf_ifort=s', 'dncomp_ifort=s', 'cx_sds_io_ifort=s', 'libhim_ifort=s', 'hdf4_gcc=s', 'hdf5_gcc=s', 'netcdf_gcc=s', 'dncomp_gcc=s', 'cx_sds_io_gcc=s', 'libhim_gcc=s', 'help' ) or die "Error parsing command-line options!\n"; #-d $opt{hdf4_ifort} or print "WARNING: Doesn't exist or not a directory for HDF4_ifort: $opt{hdf4_ifort}\n"; #-d $opt{hdf5_ifort} or print "WARNING: Doesn't exist or not a directory for HDF5_ifort: $opt{hdf5_ifort}\n"; #-d $opt{netcdf_ifort} or print "WARNING: Doesn't exist or not a directory for NETCDF_ifort: $opt{netcdf_ifort}\n"; #-d $opt{dncomp_ifort} or print "WARNING FOR IFORT USAGE: Doesn't exist or not a directory for DNCOMP_ifort: $opt{dncomp_ifort}\n"; #-d $opt{cx_sds_io_ifort} or print "WARNING FOR IFORT USAGE: Doesn't exist or not a directory for CX_SDS_IO_ifort: $opt{cx_sds_io_ifort}\n\n"; #-d $opt{hdf4_gcc} or print "WARNING: Doesn't exist or not a directory for HDF4_gcc: $opt{hdf4_gcc}\n"; #-d $opt{hdf5_gcc} or print "WARNING: Doesn't exist or not a directory for HDF5_gcc: $opt{hdf5_gcc}\n"; #-d $opt{netcdf_gcc} or print "WARNING: Doesn't exist or not a directory for NETCDF_gcc: $opt{netcdf_gcc}\n"; #-d $opt{dncomp_gcc} or print "WARNING FOR GCC USAGE: Is not a directory for DNCOMP_gcc: $opt{dncomp_gcc}\n"; #-d $opt{cx_sds_io_gcc} or print "WARNING FOR GCC USAGE: Is not a directory for CX_SDS_IO_gcc: $opt{cx_sds_io_gcc}\n\n"; #if (@fc eq 'gfortran'){ chdir ('cx_sds_io/Release_gfortran'); system "./configure --HDF4_PATH=$opt{hdf4_gcc} --HDF5_PATH=$opt{hdf5_gcc} --NETCDF_PATH=$opt{netcdf_gcc}"; chdir ('../../cx_dncomp/Release_gfortran'); system "./configure --HDF4_PATH=$opt{hdf4_gcc} --HDF5_PATH=$opt{hdf5_gcc} --NETCDF_PATH=$opt{netcdf_gcc}"; chdir ('../../muri/Release_gfortran'); system "./configure --HDF4_PATH=$opt{hdf4_gcc} --HDF5_PATH=$opt{hdf5_gcc} --NETCDF_PATH=$opt{netcdf_gcc}"; chdir ('../../'); #} else { chdir ('cx_sds_io/Release_ifort'); system "./configure --HDF4_PATH=$opt{hdf4_ifort} --HDF5_PATH=$opt{hdf5_ifort} --NETCDF_PATH=$opt{netcdf_ifort}"; chdir ('../../cx_dncomp/Release_ifort'); system "./configure --HDF4_PATH=$opt{hdf4_ifort} --HDF5_PATH=$opt{hdf5_ifort} --NETCDF_PATH=$opt{netcdf_ifort}"; chdir ('../../muri/Release_ifort'); system "./configure --HDF4_PATH=$opt{hdf4_ifort} --HDF5_PATH=$opt{hdf5_ifort} --NETCDF_PATH=$opt{netcdf_ifort}"; #} chdir (' ../../'); # Help. usage() if $opt{help}; open (CONFIG, '>> ',@outfile) or die "Could not open file '@outfile' $!)\n"; print CONFIG '# This file was generated on ' . localtime() . " by $ENV{USER}", " with the following command-line arguments: @sargv.\n# System info: ", `uname -a`; print CONFIG "# Include all required macros on the following lines:\n\n"; print CONFIG "ifeq (\$(ARCH),\$(filter \$(ARCH), gfortran gfortran-strict gfortran-debug))\n"; print CONFIG "export CX_DATA_IO=$opt{cx_sds_io_gcc}\n"; print CONFIG "export DNCOMP=$opt{dncomp_gcc}\n"; print CONFIG "export MURI=$opt{muri_gcc}\n"; print CONFIG "export HDF4_PATH =$opt{hdf4_gcc}\n"; print CONFIG "export HDF5_PATH =$opt{hdf5_gcc}\n"; print CONFIG "export NETCDF_PATH = $opt{netcdf_gcc}\n"; print CONFIG "export LIBHIM_PATH = $opt{libhim_gcc}\n"; print CONFIG "else\n"; print CONFIG "export CX_DATA_IO=$opt{cx_sds_io_ifort}\n"; print CONFIG "export DNCOMP=$opt{dncomp_ifort}\n"; print CONFIG "export MURI=$opt{muri_ifort}\n"; print CONFIG "export HDF4_PATH =$opt{hdf4_ifort}\n"; print CONFIG "export HDF5_PATH =$opt{hdf5_ifort}\n"; print CONFIG "export NETCDF_PATH = $opt{netcdf_ifort}\n"; print CONFIG "export LIBHIM_PATH = $opt{libhim_ifort}\n"; print CONFIG "endif\n"; # print CONFIG "hdf5libs = -I$opt{hdf5_ifort}include/ -L$opt{hdf5_ifort}lib/\n"; close CONFIG; print "The CLAVR-x source code is configured for build on this system.\n"; exit; sub usage { print < Path to the directory where HDF library and include files are stored. Default is the root path SSEC global variable of hdf4 library SSEC_HDF4_LIB / ../. --hdf5_ifort= Path to the directory where HDF library and include files are stored. Default is the root path SSEC global variable of hdf4 library SSEC_HDF4_LIB / ../. --netcdf_ifort= Path to the directory where HDF library and include files are stored. Default is the root path SSEC global variable of hdf4 library SSEC_HDF4_LIB / ../. --dncomp_ifort= Path to the directory where HDF library and include files are stored. Default is the root path SSEC global variable of hdf4 library SSEC_HDF4_LIB / ../. --cx_sds_io_ifort= Path to the directory where HDF library and include files are stored. Default is the root path SSEC global variable of hdf4 library SSEC_HDF4_LIB / ../. --hdf4_gcc= Path to the directory where HDF library and include files are stored. Default is the root path SSEC global variable of hdf4 library SSEC_HDF4_LIB / ../. --hdf5_gcc= Path to the directory where HDF library and include files are stored. Default is the root path SSEC global variable of hdf4 library SSEC_HDF4_LIB / ../. --netcdf_gcc= Path to the directory where HDF library and include files are stored. Default is the root path SSEC global variable of hdf4 library SSEC_HDF4_LIB / ../. --dncomp_gcc= Path to the directory where HDF library and include files are stored. Default is the root path SSEC global variable of hdf4 library SSEC_HDF4_LIB / ../. --cx_sds_io_gcc= Path to the directory where HDF library and include files are stored. Default is the root path SSEC global variable of hdf4 library SSEC_HDF4_LIB / ../. --libhim_ifort= Path to the directory where Libhimawari library is located for ifort compiles --libhim_gcc= Path to the directory where Libhimawari library is located for gcc compiles HELP exit; }