module cx_rttov_mapping_mod contains ! ! ! function channel_map (sensor, chn,coef_filename,cld_coef_filename) result (list) #define STRINGIFY(x) x implicit none character(len = *) :: sensor integer :: chn integer :: list integer, allocatable:: chn_list(:) ! integer :: mod_list(5) = [20,22,29,31,32] integer :: kk character (len = *) :: coef_filename character (len = *) :: cld_coef_filename character (len=:), allocatable :: path character (len = 100) :: sensor_string character (len=1) :: rttov_version_string character (len = 1) :: metop_nr #ifndef RTTOVPATH print*,'RTTOV PATH not set ..s top' print*,__TIMESTAMP__ ! print*,RTTOVPATH stop #endif path = STRINGIFY(RTTOVPATH) rttov_version_string = '9' ! -- ! the mapping translates one channel infot ! RTTOV channel number ! ! allocate(chn_list(45)) chn_list = -1 ! metop if (sensor .eq. 'AVHRR-METOPA') metop_nr = '2' if (sensor .eq. 'AVHRR-METOPB') metop_nr = '1' if (sensor .eq. 'AVHRR-METOPC') metop_nr = '3' select case(sensor) case('MTSAT-1') list = chn sensor_string = 'mtsat_1_imager' case('MTSAT-2') list = chn sensor_string = 'mtsat_2_imager' case( 'MODIS-AQUA') !list = chn -19 ! if ( chn .gt. 26) list = chn - 20 list = chn sensor_string = 'eos_2_modis' case( 'MODIS-TERRA') !list = chn -19 ! if ( chn .gt. 26) list = chn - 20 list = chn sensor_string = 'eos_1_modis' case ( 'VIIRS-SNPP') chn_list = [6,9,3,4,10,14,15,1,2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,7,-1,-1,-1,-1,17,-1,18,-1,-1,-1,12,-1,-1,19,-1,20,22] list = chn_list(chn) sensor_string = 'jpss_0_viirs' case ( 'VIIRS-N20') chn_list = [6,9,3,4,10,14,15,1,2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,7,-1,-1,-1,-1,17,-1,18,-1,-1,-1,12,-1,-1,19,-1,20,22] list = chn_list(chn) sensor_string = 'jpss_noaa_20_viirs' case ('AHI8') chn_list(20:38) = [7,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,9,10,11,12,14,15,16,-1,-1,-1,8,13] list = chn_list(chn) sensor_string = 'himawari_8_ahi' case ('AHI9') chn_list(20:38) = [7,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,9,10,11,12,14,15,16,-1,-1,-1,8,13] list = chn_list(chn) sensor_string = 'himawari_9_ahi' case ('GOES-16') chn_list = [2,3,1,-1,-1,5,6,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,7,-1,7,-1,-1,-1,4,9,10,11,12,14,15,16,-1,-1,-1,8,13,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1] list = chn_list(chn) sensor_string = 'goes_16_abi' case ('GOES-17') chn_list = [2,3,1,-1,-1,5,6,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,7,-1,7,-1,-1,-1,4,9,10,11,12,14,15,16,-1,-1,-1,8,13,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1] list = chn_list(chn) sensor_string = 'goes_17_abi' case ( 'SEVIRI-MSG08') chn_list(20:33) = [1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] list = chn_list(chn) sensor_string = 'msg_1_seviri' case ( 'SEVIRI-MSG09') chn_list(20:33) = [1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] list = chn_list(chn) sensor_string = 'msg_2_seviri' case ( 'SEVIRI-MSG10') chn_list(20:33) = [1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] list = chn_list(chn) sensor_string = 'msg_3_seviri' case ( 'SEVIRI-MSG11') chn_list(20:33) = [1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] list = chn_list(chn) sensor_string = 'msg_4_seviri' case('OLCI') chn_list = [6,9,3,4,10,14,15,1,2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,7,-1,-1,-1,-1,7,-1,18,-1,-1,-1,12,-1,-1,19,-1,20,22] list = chn list = (chn-1)*5*3 + 1 sensor_string = 'sentinel3_1_olci' case ('SLSTR2') chn_list = [6,9,3,4,10,14,15,1,2,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,7,-1,-1,-1,-1,7,-1,18,-1,-1,-1,12,-1,-1,19,-1,20,22] list = chn sensor_string = 'sentinel3_2_slstr' case default if (index(sensor,'AVHRR') .gt. 0) then chn_list(1) = 1 chn_list(2) = 2 chn_list(6) = 3 chn_list(20) = 4 chn_list(31) = 5 chn_list(32) = 6 list = chn_list(chn) sensor_string = 'noaa_'//sensor(11:12)//'_avhrr' if (index(sensor,'AVHRR-METOP') .gt. 0 ) then sensor_string = 'metop_'//metop_nr//'_avhrr' end if if (index(sensor,'AVHRR-TIROSN') .gt. 0) then sensor_string = 'noaa_5_avhrr' end if else if (index(sensor,'HIRS') .gt. 0) then ! 20 23 24 25 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 chn_List(20:36) = [ 19,-1,-1,18,15,14,-1,12,11,-1,9, 8,10, 7, 6, 5, 4 ] list = chn_list(chn) sensor_string = 'noaa_'//sensor(10:11)//'_hirs-shifted' rttov_version_string = '8' if (index(sensor,'AVHRR-METOP') .gt. 0 ) then sensor_string = 'metop_'//metop_nr//'_hirs-shifted' end if if (index(sensor,'AVHRR-TIROSN') .gt. 0) then sensor_string = 'noaa_5_hirs-shifted' end if else if (index(sensor,'GOES-') .gt. 0) then chn_list(1) = 1 chn_list(20) = 2 chn_list(27) = 3 chn_list(31) = 4 chn_list(32) = 5 chn_list(33) = 6 sensor_string = 'goes_'//sensor(6:7)//'_imager' if ( sensor(6:6) .ne. '1' ) then sensor_string = 'goes_'//sensor(6:6)//'_imager' end if list = chn_list(chn) else print*,trim(sensor) stop ' missing sensor in channel mapping of RTTOV inform ' end if end select coef_filename = trim(path)//'/rtcoef_rttov12/rttov'//rttov_version_string//'pred54L/rtcoef_'//trim(sensor_string)//'.dat' cld_coef_filename = trim(path)//'cldaer_ir/sccldcoef_'//trim(sensor_string)//'.dat' if ( list .eq. 0) list = -1 ! print*,'Sensor rttov mapping: ',sensor,chn,list deallocate(chn_list) end function channel_map end module cx_rttov_mapping_mod