;$Id:$ This SVN repository holds IDL codes to support the NOAA Enterprise Cloud Mask v1 n_bayes_mask.pro - original 1d classifier generation code using save files from ... map_calipso.pro - makes prior cloud fraction from calipso v2 make_mask_phase_training.pro - makes training save file from calipso matchups that have clavrx vars added nb_cloud_mask_phase_calipso_prior.pro - make prior total, ice and water cloud fraction from calipso prob_mask_phase_1d.pro - make 1d netcdf mask/phase tables prob_mask_phase_2d.pro - make 2d netcdf mask/phase tables prob_mask_phase_3d.pro - make 3d netcdf mask/phase tables apply_filters.pro - routine to applies the various filters used in making tables bayes_sfc_type_1d.pro - make a 1d vector of the bayes surface types bayes_sfc_type_2d.pro - make a 2d vector of the bayes surface types get_prior_1d.pro - get prior for each bayes surface type from a 1d table get_prior_2d.pro - get prior for each bayes surface type from a 2d table get_prior_3d.pro - get prior for each bayes surface type from a 3d table get_prior_map.pro - get prior from the calipso maps read_1d_table.pro - read a 1d netcdf table read_2d_table.pro - read a 2d netcdf table read_3d_table.pro - read a 3d netcdf table test_new_ecm.pro - apply the mask/phase to a training file test_new_ecm_level2.pro - apply the mask/phase to a level2 file table_library.inc - an include file that define the tables used in the above codes