README on how to make ECM2 tables. 1. make these directories, /training_data, /single_tables, /combined_tables, /your_archive 2. stick training_data into /training_data. - copy or link /apollo/cloud/personal/heidinger/ecm2_training 3. If you have a new training data, use to make test and train subsets. - use this naming convention: ecm_training_'+sensor+'.sav', ecm_training_'+sensor+'_test.sav', ecm_training_'+sensor+'_train.sav' -if you have already done this, skip this step - you want a ratio of 75% train and 25% test 3. Make the single classifier tables (1d, 2d, 3d). -make an idl bat script for this and it takes awhile -don't use channels that don't exist on your sensor -this can take awhile -use "make_abhi_tables.bat" as reference. 4. Stick these in /single_tables and archive them somewhere else 5. Use, this will combine the single tables in /combined_tables/ 6. run test_on_training as follows: .rnew test_on_training test_on_training, sensor='xxxx', /optimize This will make figures and tables which are useful optimize option will optimize which classifiers are on or off it will also remove and alter tables in /single_tables 7. make a directory to store your results (/your_archive). -move /combined_tables/ into there and call -move optimal_output.txt in there -move figures in there 8. rerun combine_single_tables 9. run test_on_training, sensor='xxxx', /add_thresh - this will make the surface dependent prob/conf numbers 10. move the /combined_tables/ into your archive spot and rename like 11. you are done