pro ob ;file = 'clavrx_OR_ABI-L1b-RadF-M6C01_G16_s20192340600215.level2.sav' ;file = 'clavrx_OR_ABI-L1b-RadF-M6C01_G16_s20192341700216.level2.sav' ;file = './output_test_him8/clavrx_H08_20190822_1400.level2.sav' ;files = file_search('./output_test_him8','clavrx_*.level2.sav') files = file_search('./output_temp','clavrx_*.level2.sav') nfiles = n_elements(files) for i = 0, nfiles - 1 do begin file = files[i] ;--- ahi files ;temp = strsplit(file,'clavrx',/extract) ;temp = temp[1] ;root_name = strmid(temp,1) ;root_name = strmid(root_name,0,strlen(root_name)-1) ;--- abi files temp = strsplit(file,'clavrx',/extract) root_name = strmid(temp[2],9) root_name = strmid(root_name,0,strlen(root_name)-4) ;clavrx_OR_ABI-L1b-RadF-M6C01_G16_s20192342200217.level2.sav restore, file b = l2.bt11_clr ob_min = -20.0 ob_bin = 0.25 nbins_ob = 120 ob_bin_centers = ob_min + ob_bin * findgen(nbins_ob) + ob_bin / 2.0 zen_min = 0.0 zen_max = 90.0 land_class_thresh = 7 ;---- idx = where(l2.bt11 gt 180.0 and l2.land_class eq land_class_thresh and l2.zen gt zen_min and l2.zen lt zen_max,cc) ;---- o = l2.bt11[idx] b = l2.bt11_clr[idx] mask1 = acmf[idx] mask2 = post_prob_cloud[idx] ii = where(mask2 ge 0 and mask2 lt 0.5, nii, complement = jj,ncomplement=njj) if (nii gt 0) then mask2[ii] = 0 if (njj gt 0) then mask2[jj] = 1 mask3 = post_prob_cloud[idx] ii = where(mask3 ge 0 and mask3 lt 0.1, nii, complement = jj,ncomplement=njj) if (nii gt 0) then mask3[ii] = 0 if (njj gt 0) then mask3[jj] = 1 mask4 = post_prob_cloud[idx] ii = where(mask4 ge 0 and mask4 lt 0.05, nii, complement = jj,ncomplement=njj) if (nii gt 0) then mask4[ii] = 0 if (njj gt 0) then mask4[jj] = 1 ob_histo_all = histogram(o-b,min=ob_min, binsize = ob_bin, nbins=nbins_ob) idx_clear1 = where(mask1 eq 0,count_clear_1) ob_histo_clr1 = histogram(o[idx_clear1]-b[idx_clear1],min=ob_min, binsize = ob_bin, nbins=nbins_ob) idx_clear2 = where(mask2 eq 0,count_clear_2) ob_histo_clr2 = histogram(o[idx_clear2]-b[idx_clear2],min=ob_min, binsize = ob_bin, nbins=nbins_ob) idx_clear3 = where(mask3 eq 0,count_clear_3) ob_histo_clr3 = histogram(o[idx_clear3]-b[idx_clear3],min=ob_min, binsize = ob_bin, nbins=nbins_ob) idx_clear4 = where(mask4 eq 0,count_clear_4) ob_histo_clr4 = histogram(o[idx_clear4]-b[idx_clear4],min=ob_min, binsize = ob_bin, nbins=nbins_ob) p0 = plot(ob_bin_centers, ob_histo_all, dim=[600,400], color = "black", $ xtitle = 'O-B (K)', ytitle = 'Counts', name = "ALL", thick=2) p01 = plot(ob_bin_centers, ob_histo_clr1, color = "red", /overplot, name = 'ACMF') p02 = plot(ob_bin_centers, ob_histo_clr2, color = "orange", /overplot, name = 'Cld Prob < 0.5', thick=2) p03 = plot(ob_bin_centers, ob_histo_clr3, color = "blue", /overplot, name = 'Cld Prob < 0.1', thick=2) p04 = plot(ob_bin_centers, ob_histo_clr4, color = "green", /overplot, name = 'Cld Prob < 0.05', thick=2) l0 = legend(Target = [p0,p01,p02,p03,p04], /auto_text_color, position=[0.4,0.8],/normal) t0 = text([0.4],[0.95],root_name,/normal),root_name + '_ob_11um.png', /png p0.close endfor end