/* !C ******************************************************************** !Description: Integer function polarday_snow.c Computes initial clear sky confidence for polar daytime snow/ice surfaces. Called from polar_day.c. !Input arguments: none Inputs stored in structure variable 'pxin' of type "pixel_in" defined in pixel.h. Test thresholds accessed through thresholds.h. !Output arguments: none int return_code returns number of cloud tests performed (returned through function call) Output confidence and associated products stored in structure variable 'pxout' of type "pixel_out" defined in pixel.h !Revision History: Original version taken from MODIS Cloud Mask FORTRAN code developed by CIMSS, UW-Madison. Converted to C R. Frey 10/2007 !Team-unique Header: !References and Credits: !END ******************************************************************/ /* Includes */ #include #include #include "pixel.h" #include "thresholds.h" #include "mask_processing_constants.h" /*********************************************************************/ int polarday_snow() /*********************************************************************/ { /* Declarations */ extern void get_pn_thresholds(float, float*, float*, float*, float*, float*, float*, float*, float*, float*, float*); extern float cithr(int, float, float); extern float conf_test(float, float, float, float, float); extern void set_bit(int, unsigned char[]); int groups; int k; int ngtests[num_test_groups]; int num_tests; int return_code; float btd_thr; float cmin1, cmin2, cmin4; float conf; float cosvza; float fac; float m22, m26, m27, m31, m32; float m31_m32, m22_m31; float locut, hicut, midpt, power; float pre_confidence; float schi; float thr; /*********************************************************************/ /* Initializations */ return_code = 0; /* Counter for total number tests performed. */ num_tests = 0; /* Test group confidences. */ cmin1 = 1.0; cmin2 = 1.0; cmin4 = 1.0; /* Number of test groups used. */ groups = 0; /* Inverse of 'groups' used as power in calculating confidence. */ fac = 1.0; /* Counter for number tests performed in each test group. */ k = 0; while(k < num_test_groups) { ngtests[k] = 0; k++; } /* Input radiance data. */ m22 = pxin.rad[21]; m26 = pxin.rad[25]; m27 = pxin.rad[26]; m31 = pxin.rad[30]; m32 = pxin.rad[31]; /*********************************************************************/ /* Perform cloud tests. */ // printf("\nPerforming cloud tests in polarday_snow.c\n"); /*********************************************************************/ /* Group 1 tests. */ /*********************************************************************/ /* Water vapor high cloud test. */ if(rintf(m27) != rintf(bad_data)) { num_tests++; (void) set_bit(15, pxout.qabits); if(m27 >= dpsh20[1]) (void) set_bit(15, pxout.testbits); conf = conf_test(m27, dpsh20[0], dpsh20[2], dpsh20[3], dpsh20[1]); cmin1 = min(cmin1, conf); ngtests[0]++; // printf("h20 %f %f %f %d %d\n", m27,conf,cmin1,ngtests[0],num_tests); } /*********************************************************************/ /* Group 2 tests. */ /*********************************************************************/ /* 11-12 micron BTD test for transmissive cirrus clouds. */ if(rint(m31) != rintf(bad_data) && rintf(m32) != rintf(bad_data) && pxin.vza > 0.0) { m31_m32 = m31 - m32; num_tests++; (void) set_bit(18, pxout.qabits); /* Get secant of viewing zenith angle. */ cosvza = cosf(pxin.vza * dtr); if(fabsf(cosvza) > 0.0) { schi = 1.0 / cosvza; } else { schi = 99.0; } /* Interpolate look-up table values of 11-12 micron BTD thresholds (functions of viewing zenith angle and 11 micron BT). */ thr = cithr(1, schi, m31); if(thr < 0.1 || fabsf(schi-99.0) < 0.0001) { btd_thr = ds11_12hi[0]; } else { /* Add adjustment for snow cover. */ btd_thr = thr + ds11_12adj[0]; } if (m31_m32 <= btd_thr) (void) set_bit(18, pxout.testbits); locut = btd_thr + (0.3 * btd_thr); hicut = btd_thr - (0.3 * btd_thr); conf = conf_test(m31_m32,locut,hicut,1.0,btd_thr); cmin2 = min(cmin2, conf); ngtests[1]++; // printf("m31_32: %f %f %f %f %f %f %d %d\n", m31_m32, locut, // btd_thr, hicut, conf, cmin2, num_tests, ngtests[1]); } /**********************************************************************/ /* 11 minus 4 micron BTDIF fog and low cloud test. */ if (pxin.visusd) { if (rintf(m31) != rintf(bad_data) && rintf(m22) != rintf(bad_data)) { if(m31 > dpsbt1[0]) { num_tests++; (void) set_bit(19, pxout.qabits); m22_m31 = m22 - m31; // Get thresholds for land (snow) surface. (void) get_pn_thresholds(m31, bt_11_bnds3, dps4_11l, dps4_11m1, dps4_11m2, dps4_11m3, dps4_11h, &locut, &hicut, &midpt, &power); if (m22_m31 <= midpt) (void) set_bit(19, pxout.testbits); conf = conf_test(m22_m31, locut, hicut, 1.0, midpt); cmin2 = min(cmin2, conf); ngtests[1]++; // printf("snow 4-11: %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %d %d\n", dpsbt1[0], m22_m31, locut, // midpt, hicut, conf, cmin2, num_tests, ngtests[1]); } } } /**********************************************************************/ /* Group 4 tests. */ /*********************************************************************/ /* Near-infrared (1.38 micron) high cloud test. */ if (pxin.visusd && pxin.hi_elev == 0 && pxin.tpw > dps_ref3_tpw[0]) { if (rintf(m26) != rintf(bad_data)) { num_tests++; (void) set_bit(16, pxout.qabits); if (m26 <= dpsref3[1]) (void) set_bit(16, pxout.testbits); conf = conf_test(m26, dpsref3[0], dpsref3[2], 1.0, dpsref3[1]); cmin4 = min(cmin4, conf); ngtests[3]++; // printf("1.38: %f %f %f %f %f %f %d %d\n", m26,dpsref3[0], // dpsref3[1],dpsref3[2],conf,cmin4,num_tests,ngtests[3]); } } /*********************************************************************/ /* printf("\nvalue of qa byte 0 %d\n", pxout.qabits[0]); printf("value of qa byte 1 %d\n", pxout.qabits[1]); printf("value of qa byte 2 %d\n", pxout.qabits[2]); printf("value of qa byte 3 %d\n", pxout.qabits[3]); printf("value of qa byte 4 %d\n", pxout.qabits[4]); printf("value of qa byte 5 %d\n", pxout.qabits[5]); printf("\nvalue of cm byte 0 %d\n", pxout.testbits[0]); printf("value of cm byte 1 %d\n", pxout.testbits[1]); printf("value of cm byte 2 %d\n", pxout.testbits[2]); printf("value of cm byte 3 %d\n", pxout.testbits[3]); printf("value of cm byte 4 %d\n", pxout.testbits[4]); printf("value of cm byte 5 %d\n", pxout.testbits[5]); */ /*********************************************************************/ /* Determine initial confidence based on group values. */ pre_confidence = cmin1 * cmin2 * cmin4; /* Find the number of test groups used. */ k = 0; while(k < num_test_groups) { if(ngtests[k] > 0) groups++; k++; } /* Get power for confidence calculation. */ if(groups > 0) fac = 1.0 / groups; // printf("\npre_conf, groups, fac: %f %d %f\n", pre_confidence, groups, fac); /* Get initial confidence of clear sky. */ pxout.init_conf = powf(pre_confidence, fac); return_code = num_tests; return return_code; }